Pastors Jonathan & Nita Jacks
Born in the USA, Jonathan Jacks comes from a family rooted in ministry. His father, the late John Jacks, was an itinerant prophetic minister who relocated the family to Australia and ministered at many churches throughout Australia, New Zealand and S.E. Asia. Growing up as Pastor’s Kid, Jonathan was immersed in the teachings of the Word, experienced ministry firsthand, and gained knowledge in pastorship and the prophetic.
Nita entered the world in a small town in Mexico, where her birth mother grappled with trauma and poverty. When she was just a few months old, two missionaries from Canada stepped in to care for Nita, treating her as their own. She was adopted, and by the age of three, the trio relocated to Alberta, where Nita spent her childhood and adolescence.
After finishing high school, Jonathan chose to relocate internationally with the family as his father was to take up a ministry position in a local church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It was here that Jonathan first met his future bride. Their relationship blossomed from friendship to romance but they faced several years of separation during their courtship.
Sadly, Jonathan’s mother passed away within the initial year of the family’s move to Calgary. Later, his father resumed international itinerate ministry. Jonathan, meanwhile, returned to Melbourne to continue his university studies, while Nita temporarily moved to Thailand to experience bible college.
In 2005, they reunited, and the following year, in 2006, they were married in Calgary. Two days after their wedding Nita hugged her family good-bye to embark on a new life with her husband in Australia.
In the following years, Elaina, Sadie and Caleb were born into the family while Jonathan & Nita continued to be actively involved in the local church in varying capacities.
In 2016, by the Holy Spirit’s direction they returned to Calgary, Alberta, and have been residing here with their family ever since. Having experienced several international relocations, the couple possesses a distinct understanding of what it truly means to ‘pack your bags.’
The Lord has guided them through challenges and learning experiences, consistently extending His unwavering hand of healing, deliverance, and joy over their marriage and family. They are filled with excitement and gratitude to be in Calgary, eagerly anticipating the divine work the Lord is undertaking in this beautiful city, province, and nation.
Is. 43:19a “See now I am doing a new thing!”